Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Geting bored of seeing all the temples?? hehe... let's visit Tonle Sap lake... This is consider a floating vilage--> how it is?? let's check it out.
welcome back to our adventure team... Toi toi 1 + Siat Siat 2+ Cheah Cheah 3+ me 5 erm.. where is my brother?? of course camera man lo... sorry ya....
wah... cant beleive floating village.. got church la... kedai runcit la... mini market la.. etc..
do u know wat typr of building it is?? hehe... If i look properly i might not be able to figure out.. it is floating school.... the student need to travel from one classroom to another class room by boat. They also do sport above is a basket ball court... very big wo~~ GENG!!
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